Breaking down muzzle myths: How to use them correctly to help your hound

Greyhound wearing a red muzzle

Muzzles are often a cause for debate and they can lead to dog owners sadly being 'muzzle shamed'. There is a misconception that dogs who wear a muzzle must be aggressive, but that couldn't be further from the truth and when used correctly, muzzles are a very useful tool for various situations…

What does a muzzle mean?

A muzzled dog doesn't mean that they are naughty and it certainly doesn't always mean that they are a bite risk, but it does usually mean that their owner is being proactive and safe. As greyhound owners, we are lucky that they are already used to wearing a muzzle and most are quite happy to wear one when needed. 

When greyhounds should wear one

We always advise that newly-adopted greyhounds should wear a muzzle for at least four weeks after adoption when out walking, and potentially for the first few days/nights in the home when you aren’t around. This allows adopters to assess how their greyhound reacts to other breeds and in new surroundings/situations.

Before retiring, most greyhounds have only ever seen other greyhounds, so they aren't used to seeing other breeds of dogs. However, this isn’t always the case, as some will have been living on site with other breeds.

If your greyhound is highly prey-driven or not good around other breeds then the muzzle should always be used when out walking. 

Other reasons dogs may need to wear a muzzle include:

  • Vet visits

  • In the event of an emergency or injury 

  • Introducing your dog safely to other animals or children

  • To stop them picking up/eating things they shouldn't when out on a walk

  • To stop them chewing a bandage if they are ever injured (a muzzle can also stop them from having to wear the “cone of shame”)

  • During play meets.

Fit considerations

It is important that muzzles are the correct fit for your individual dog. 'Box muzzles' are best for greyhounds as they are designed for their long narrow heads/noses and allow plenty of room to pant and drink through - you also give your dog treats through them. 

Owners who use muzzles responsibly should not be shamed or made to feel like they are doing something wrong. 

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Group of greyhounds wearing muzzles out on a walk